Caribbean Special Tactics Center (CSTC)

The Caribbean Special Tactics Center (CSTC) is the only institution in the Caribbean that offers advanced training and certification for specialized professional security forces. The CSTC can offer multiple training courses both in Jamaica and on-site to other countries through joint expeditionary training teams. These teams are called mobile training teams (MTT) and can provide specialized training to any Caribbean country over a period of four to eight weeks at a time.

The CSTC is equipped to offer courses to all ranks from elite military units and their police equivalent. CSTC can design and deliver two categories of academic and practical courses: core employment and specialized courses. Preferred candidates for the courses must have at least three (3) years’ experience in their respective organizations. All courses are delivered in English; candidates must therefore be functional in English (speaking, reading and writing).

Courses include, but are not limited to: Command and Leadership (CL), Minor Tactics (MT), Senior Leadership (SL), Rappel Master (RM), Breacher Course (BC), Sniper Course (SC), Range Management Qualification (RMQ) and Close Quarters Combat (CQC). All courses are open to Caribbean partner nations and units within the JDF.

The Caribbean Special Tactics Center (CSTC) was conceived out of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Governments of Jamaica (Jamaica Defence Force) and Canada (Canadian Armed Forces) which began in 2009 and was dubbed “Operation Ackee’. Out of this venture, the JDF has been enabled to act in a dual capacity-building role for itself and its regional counterparts in various specialized disciplines.

As a strategic institution, CSTC endeavours to share its knowledge with other Militaries and Police Forces with interest in security and defence issues at an enhanced end of the operating spectrum. A critical feature of the CSTC’s mandate is also to encourage research and development and to seek out opportunities that support the profession of arms.


The CSTC will be the foremost Special Operations Institution in the region that is able to equip soldiers with the appropriate skills and competencies through an adaptable, innovative and professional learning environment.


To produce Operators with the Mental and Physical capabilities and the Ethical Foundation required to lead their respective forces with Distinction.

Location and Accommodation

The CSTC is located to the eastern end of the JDF’s Moneague Training Camp (MTC) in St Ann; a two (2) storey building capable of accommodating up to forty (40) persons. The facility is complete with a student common room, kitchenette and laundry. The living quarters include a communal barrack room and ten (10) double occupancy rooms fitted with bunk beds, as well as separate ablution facilities for both males and females. The building also houses classrooms and office space for the training staff. The compound has a parking lot situated to the west of the building that can provide adequate parking for staff and visitors with a recreational space located to the east of the building.

Caribbean Special Tactics Center (CSTC) Courses

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