
Bridge Resource Management Course

Duration: one (1) week

Location: Caribbean Military Maritime Training Centre


The Bridge Resource Management course introduces the concept of a navigation team to Commanding Officers. The course is designed to strengthen officers’ knowledge of in Bridge Resource Management (BRM) principles and their proficiency in the practical application of those principles. The course includes instruction in and discussion of navigation safety and the maximization of all available resources.


  • Leadership for safety
  • Minimizing human error
  • Effective teamwork and communication
  • Risk analysis
  • Decision making

Entry Requirements

The candidates must:

  • Have attained a minimum qualification as a Navigation Watchkeeper.
  • Must be employed as a Navigational Watchkeeper for a cumulative period of at least six (6) months.

Qualification Gained

  • Upon successful completion of the oral and practical phase of the course, candidates are qualified as Executive Officer on Damen Stan 4207 and a Certificate of Completion. First Mate (Caribbean Maritime University).